An Open Letter to the Yale Divinity School Faculty


Dear Yale Divinity Faculty,

Your decision to invite DeRay McKesson to “teach” a course on public advocacy, social change and civil disobedience is more than ill-advised, it is unethical and immoral. The end toward which McKesson advocates (and apparently Yale Divinity) is cold-blooded  murder of our nation’s police officers. Deray’s gang of thugs and darlings of Yale Divinity School take to the street hatefully chanting  ‘Dead cops now” and “Pigs in a blanket, fry’em like bacon.”  The purpose of these chant’s is to provoke  street violence, create propaganda images for the media, and incite destructive divisiveness across American Society. The Left has always used these tactics of intimidation to bring chaos and anarchy to a largely peaceful civil society.

In inviting McKesson to Yale, you have shown that the faculty acts as the purveyors of anarchy, violence, and propaganda not the seekers to truth.  The faculty members will suffer nothing for their awful lack of ethics and moral emptiness. In fact, one can envision the faculty receiving happy toasts to their “courage” at academic cocktail parties all around New Haven this Fall. You will bask in the celebrity-light that is sure to be yours. However, when your heads hit the pillow in the nights ahead remember this: You will be a full and deliberate accessory to all future police murders inspired by the hideous hate-group Black Lives Matter.

Before you tout your tired and phony justification of “academic freedom” re-read the actual words in your course description. “A young leader of the Black Lives Matter Movement, DeRay McKesson will present case studies about the work of organizing, public advocacy, civil disobedience, and social change, through both Leadership of Presence, and Leadership in the Social Media.” Then compare that with the real world actions and rhetoric of Black Lives Matter. The comparison reveals the moral and ethical emptiness that now permeates Yale Divinity School.


Brent Perkins

San Diego

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