Open Letter to Law 360


Recently, Law 360 a  publication of Portfolio Media a subsidiary of Lexis Nexis, banned the term “illegal alien” from use. In July retired immigration Judges Mahlon “Mick” Hanson and Elisabeth Hacker submitted an article to Law 360 on sanctuary cities. The article was rejected pending removal of the term “illegal alien” which the editors have banned. This censorship by a supposedly respected professional legal journal is a significant indicator of how far the rule of law, commonsense, and accurate recounting of  history has fallen in postmodern America.   I respond to the editors and publishers of Law 360 below.

Dear Law 360 Editors and Publishers:

You recently banned the term “illegal alien” from use in your publication. Legal writers who submit work using the term have it struck by your editors. In doing this, Law 360 has removed its name from the list of professional legal publications. You have become just another enforcer of political correctness. One can no longer consider Law 360 a serious legal publication. No serious writer of matters on illegal immigration should waste time submitting work to you in the future.

“Illegal alien” is a term of legal art that has been in use for nearly a hundred years. It has been referenced thousands of times in statute law, in trial decisions, and in appellate reasoning. The term is embedded in thousands of serious legal articles and scholarly legal works. Thus, banning its use erases an entire body of law from being properly referenced by legal writers.

Brent Perkins

Immigration Court Administrator – Retired

See Fox News Story at link below:

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